mikeyb wrote:
not sure if this is the right place to post this, but i just need to vent:
i wish i can just start my life over, have different parents, or maybe have had my parents go to therapy to learn how to raise a child.
my dad:
mentally abused, physically abused me
sexually abused? (i remember once showering w/ him and also he smacked my ass occasionally)
never appreciated anything i did
neglected me
she is nice, but i think she is too overprotective, she spoiled me
she used to bathe and wipe my ass till i was around 10-12?
i love her, but she isn't very smart and she doesnt really know how to parent
also think she is a little crazy, depressive, bipolar now because of my fathers constant mental and physcial abuse on her.
so basically, i grew up, with no solid foundation, mom spoiling me, dad abusing me, no middle ground, no one showing me the way, me just playing video games, and trying to isolate myself.
now im stuck with depression, constant thoughts running thru my head, i also think im perverted now, whenever ppl do something that can somewhat represent something sexual i look at it as sexual. i also looked up frotteurism, its a paraphillia, and i think i have that. its the random urge to smack someones ass or touch someone(dry humping, etc). I always get those urges, don't know why but i do... i want to get a therapist, but im such a bum, and am to shy or lazy to care, i wish i can just rot in the ground and die off.
vent just to vent, this is the place
vent for replies and debate, this is definitely the wrong post since your message most likely will simply drift away into older pages. go to "the haven" for interactive venting
''In the world I see - you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center.''