superboyian wrote:
The most common things that a person does with a tattoo is have a lovers name.
Soon as they break up, they go through this thing which worse than the actually tattoo itself and could take a couple of sessions.
I wouldn't consider doing it unless it has been going well for a very long time.
i see a girl and guy on my bus all the time. the girl looks to be no more than 16 - 17, and her boyfriend looks to be about 20 or so. he is WAY more 'into' her than she is 'into' him... in fact he looks sort of clingy with her, at least on the bus.
anyways, he has her name in gigantic black letters running down his forearm:
TAYLOR (i assume it is her name lol). it is thickly inked - the penstroke of each letter is at least 1/2 inch to an inch wide.
the guy seems to be making a really strong statement with that tattoo, but i dunno if it is getting through to her...
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