Jonsi wrote:
My high school problems was mostly the confusion of why I had no urge to date. It's kind of confusing when everyone's suddenly dating and thinking of nothing else while you're still preoccupied with your drawings and art. I had no friends 'cause people judged you by who you were dating (and by your social ability) then one day I go on my first forum. Instant friends.
I'm a bad friend though, I kinda disappear for awhile (I get very wrapped up in life sometimes that I forget a lot of things) and I'm terrible at connecting with people. v_v
Thank God for the internet though.

I would be lost without it despite my lack of need for it.
Oh, see, I still wanted to date. But I grew up in a conflicting area. It was were mormon and you were normal, or you were not, and you were weird. And though I was mormon, I also was weird, I fit into neither group. I was preoccupied with running too. People judged you kinda by the group you were in of dating. Because we group date (boys go on missions @ 18, so we try not to get serious before that)....people would pair of within groups. You were judged by whose group you were in, and who you paired off with. Since I barely fit into some groups (and went on one date in total) it stunk. Also, not instant friends, because I was addicted to yahoo answers firstly. I've had to work to make friends.
Same here. I'm not terrible at it, not the greatest either. See, I know how to be nice, but I can be so blunt sometimes (without even realizing it) and offend people. Then I get clingy, then I get detached.
I know, the internet is amazing. I might not be lost, but I would probably be seriously depressed.