Is there anything more painful than popping out a kid?
Migraines usually start with spots/lights ("aura") in one or both eyes, along with a sick feeling (nausea); the headache usually comes on after these and you're often sensitive to light and sound (it makes the headache worst). The headache can be on one or both sides. These can last from minutes to even days on end.
I couldn't say which one is worst for me, as I've had a migraine that lasted for a few days straight (not fun), and pretty much all of the ones I get usually last for half of a day.
Cluster headaches aren't fun, but I'm lucky in that they don't last long (even though I tend to feel out of it for a while afterwards). Funnily, I had one today not long after posting about such. The pain is severe, but you do get used to it, and you know it goes. I'm sure you know this though.
There's also tension headaches, but IIRC, they tend to be around the back and top of the head and the pain isn't as bad as the former two.
My sensory problems due to the ASD are in the same league as the migraines and cluster headaches (certain visual and audible stimuli). I actually think this is why I tend to put up with the bad migraines and cluster headaches with a shrug and lack of medication, as I've always had something similar going on that's equal in "pain".