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20 Mar 2008, 7:06 pm

(It's spelled bestiality, not beastiality.)

Incest: Depends (if they're not gonna have kids, fine).

Pedophilia: Against (fantasies are fine, don't act on them).

Gay Marriage: For.

Gay Adoption: For (the whole 'I feel sorry for the kid being pullied' excuse is crap; kids are bullied for every reason you could imagine, including their shoes or whatever. You don't need gay parents to be bullied).

Sex Change Operations: For.

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against (who the hell would be for this?)

Polygamy: Depends / For.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For.

Religion: Against.

War: Against.

Bestiality: My answer here can't be For, Depends or Against... I'm against bestiality, but for zoophilia / zoosexuality.

Freedom Of Speech: For (duh?)

Prayer In Public School: Against.

Racism: Against (... duh?)

Sexism: Against (...)

Bullying/Harrassment: Against.

Politics: For.

Adult Pornography: For.

Child Pornography: Against.



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21 Mar 2008, 1:01 am

Incest: Against. Just sounds nasty.

Pedophilia: Against. Children dont need those types of relations, even if the age of consent is lower in some countries. A 12 yr old isnt the same as a 17 year old.

Gay Marriage: For. I dont mind.

Gay Adoption: For. Lots of children without loving homes out there.

Sex Change Operations: For. If you're savagely depressed being one sex, it's your life so do what you want. Just tell people and dont assume people shouldn't love you for what sex you are.

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against. Of course.

Polygamy: Depends. For some it works and is economically and emotionally sufficient. Im not going to try to convince anyone who partakes in it that it is wrong...that is unless it is just purely for sexual reasons.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For. I am in one.

Religion: For. It makes people happy and angry, like many things on this earth

War: Depends. For the most part it is a waste of life. People should grow up and learn to settle tufts with words. But will that ever happen?

Beastiality: Against. Why does this even exist.

Freedom Of Speech: For.

Prayer In Public School: For. If you want to pray I dont see why not.

Racism: Against. Racism is boring.

Sexism: Against. Sexism is boring.

Bullying/Harrassment: Against. Creates too much mental torment in victims. You should be able to go to school without fearing the kid in 6th period.

Politics: For.

Adult Pornography: Depends. Whatever strikes your mood.

Child Pornography: Against.


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21 Mar 2008, 2:20 am

Incest: Depends

Pedophilia: Against

Gay Marriage: For

Gay Adoption: For

Sex Change Operations: For

Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against

Polygamy: For, as long as it's both men and women who are allowed multiple partners.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For

Religion: Depends

War: Depends

Beastiality: Against

Freedom Of Speech: For

Prayer In Public School: Depends

Racism: Against

Sexism: Against

Bullying/Harrassment: Against

Politics: Indifferent

Adult Pornography: For

Child Pornography: Against

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I

Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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23 Mar 2008, 11:12 pm

Incest: Between a child and parent, it seems extremely unhealthy. Between other relatives, I don't have a strong opinion, just a strong preference against it. I know that genetic defects are an issue if pregnancy results, but if I were the product of an incestuous union, wouldn't I be obligated to support it. . .?

Pedophilia: I'm not the one to set the age of consent, but it would bother me to see a young person being taken advantage of. I just don't think young children are ready for that kind of burden.

Gay Marriage: The term 'marriage' is kind of blurry. I support same-sex and different-sex unions equally, but as far as religious unions go, I think it's up to the organization. I wouldn't want the government regulating bigotry.

Gay Adoption: I support this wholeheartedly. Whether or not same-sex couples are qualified (I believe they are), we have too many unwanted children to wait for Mr. and Mrs. Cleaver.

Sex Change Operations: I think it's a really cool step in technology. :)

Rape/Sexual Abuse: I am very saddened by sexual abuse. That is all I have to say.

Polygamy: I'm all for spreading love, but as far as the legality goes, I don't know enough of the details to make a decision.

Interracial Marriages/Relationships: I support this wholeheartedly. I can't really give a reason because it just isn't an issue for me.

Religion: It's a tool. Looking at the world through a magical lense can be a wonderful thing, but people take it too far. Personally, religion is a major interest for me, so I see a lot of different aspects of it. I think it should be taken on a case-by-case basis.

War: I find it to be one of the most revolting aspects of human functioning. That is an emotional statement, not a logical one. I do know one thing: war doesn't permanently solve anything, or it would have ended a long time ago. I see war differently because I have no sense of loyalty (possibly a neurological thing, lol), so I can still respect people who disagree with me.

Beastiality: Eww.

Freedom Of Speech: I would die for it. However, 'freedom' is a relative term.

Prayer In Public School: I don't think administrators should lead prayers. I do think valedictorians should be allowed to pray in their speeches, and naturally, students should be allowed to pray informally. If you can use the word 'God' as a curse, you should be allowed to pray.

Racism: All races are equal. A certain degree of ethnocentricity is natural, perhaps an obstacle to be overcome in the evolution of humankind, so I'm not going to get self-righteous about it.

Sexism: Same as racism, except possible not so natural.

Bullying/Harrassment: It's an ugly aspect of humanity.

Politics: Human organizations always strike me as sort of strange and unnatural, but politics exist and trying to abolish them would be even sillier.

Adult Pornography: I think it should be allowed to exist. Where it should be allowed to exist, I am not so sure.

Child Pornography: I would judge it the same way I would judge pedophilia.


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23 Mar 2008, 11:29 pm

Incest: only if both people are consinting adults
Pedophilia: NO
Gay Marriage: I dont care, if their in love go for it.
Gay Adoption: no, its not good role modeling, it may confuse the child.
Sex Change Operations:A person has the right to do what ever they want to them selves as long as they let any partner know the truth and not find out on their own.
Rape/Sexual Abuse: NO
Polygamy: sure, but only if all concerned is in agreement with it and willing and not preprogramed for it.
Interracial Marriages: Yes
War: possibly
Beastiality: no
Freedom of Speech: for
Prayer In Public School: only if the student chooses to
Racism: no
Sexism: no
Bullying/Harrassment: hell no
Politics: sometimes
Adult Pornography: if tasteful
Child Pornography: no