naturalplastic wrote:
ReticentJaeger wrote:
Spiderpig wrote:
Kiam la estonteco ne gravas, jen la morto estas proksima, jen oni estas politikisto.
Wow! You knew that?
That's good.
Though the artificially designed language of Esperanto is supposed to be an even mix of all European languages "it's basically a Romance language" (like Spanish, and Italian) according to linguist James McWhorter. Who also said "it's a cute language".
I remember some high school Spanish so I can
almost read it. Sorta. "Where [something] isn't... taken seriously(?) then...the death of politics is near." Just a stab.
I've been studying a lot of Esperanto lately. I only recognized a few words (some of which I had the forgot the meanings), and I googled it just to make sure.
I've noticed a lot of similarities to French, which makes me less annoyed about having taken three years' of classes on that.