getting called "she" instead of "he", when i am clearly presenting as male. and what am i gonna do, 911? civil lawsuit? who cares that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission added "gender identity" to the list of protected status, in 2012.
because some lawyers charge 600 bucks per billable hour. and some lawsuits take 2 years. and it is the bus agency (county government) versus me. and i did not take a videotape of him saying that. and there were no witnesses, or witnesses don't care.
so many foods have added sugar, and a lot. it's hard to find something tasty/satisfying that is not just junk. even the granola has 16 grams of sugar per serving. a kit kat only has 22. sheesh.
hippie granola Democrat.
everything i like/love to devour/eat/gorge: too expensive, too fattening. not sold yearround. not sold nearby. too difficult to cook.
too lazy to cook.
day after day, motivation low. do not feel like doing much of anything. getting out of bed is no problem. waking up at 5am is no problem. everything else is a problem.
watching groups stampede by. humans are like pack animals. and i am just a lone wolf. which makes me vulnerable, physically and emotionally. but whatever. the city where i live is diverse. not like san diego.
nobody wants to be my "friend".
paranoid someone will blow up on me. explode. figuretively. like a homophobe from san diego, 2006 did.
b/c i ain't psychic or telepathic, paranoid to trust anyone else like that ever again.
someone that appeared completely trustworthy ended up homophobic.
relationships or repeated social interactions with someone makes you biased. for or against someone. prejudiced. and it was also that i initiated all the social interactions and he was just humoring me.
almost everyone talks almost nonstop. it doesn't matter if they are small children or senile. english second language. mentally ill. intellectually disabled. men, women. democrats, republicans. almost all of them travel in packs, almost all the time. groupthink.
and i feel so left out, like nobody cares about me or something. just b/c i am different. or something. or maybe i ought to be grateful they did not exterminate me. oh well. it's much better in the current city, to be a weirdo social outcast, than in san diego. san diego was a nightmare.
sometimes someone complains about the slightest thing. exaggeration. like i have a moral duty to make him/her happy at all times. they act like i have to apologize and fix it, to their satisfaction.
praise/compliments are not much better than criticism/insults. manipulation. the speaker expects you to believe everything they tell you.
paranoid i am unemployable and going to be homeless sooner or later.
did not get to self actualize or work jobs above minimum wage.