How's your quarantine going?
From where I live, it is extended until April 30th.
And myself, rooting out symptoms coming from nowhere.
Knowing that I have varying sensations, symptoms and emotions without any external interferences.
Sensations that are unjustified, unreasonable, and without apparent cause despite the amount of order and isolation. Confirming that it's mostly my damn body, not entirely on what I eat or do...
I only have about 2 weeks before figuring how to outright solve it or mitigate it -- figuring why may need some doctor's appointment and there's just too much stressed up people in the world to just bother.
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I hope I don't upset anyone by say it hasn't made any difference to the way I live. I don't go anywhere nor do I have any friends that I talk to much.
The part I'm enjoying is how quiet the roads are (trapped between two really, really noisy 'A' roads normally) but irritatingly I can't go for a spin on a motorcycle because they're blocked in by a car that doesn't run and is way, way too heavy for me to move. This would be the perfect time to learn how to ride hand change as well.
I'll just have to content myself ruining the quiet by doing woodwork instead!

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Staying in isn't really bothering my girlfriend. She's kind of glad some appointments have gotten canceled. Cass isn't really worried about catching the virus either. What bothers her is the way others are reacting to this virus when she needs to go out for something. Cass coughs a lot sometimes cuz of asthma, bad acid reflux, & allergies. She normally dislikes going out cuz of bad social anxiety, fear of others judging her, & cuz she sometimes feels very sore & fatigued cuz of pain issues. She's now worried about others judging her for coughing & she's scared to ride the bus now(neither of us drives) cuz bus drivers are allowed to throw passengers off if they show any symptoms. It's also more of a hassle for her to go back into our apartment sometimes cuz someone decided to remove all the furniture from the common areas. In order for us to get back into our building we have to turn a key with one hand & pull the door open by the handle with the other cuz the key has to be held turned while pulling the door open so it takes two hands to open the door to get in. There used to be a bench in the entrance area so people could put stuff down easier while opening the door or if they just wanted/needed to sit down a minute. There also used to be chairs by the elevator I guess for the same reasons & we live on the 3rd floor. Occasionally Cass needed to put stuff down or even sit down during the process of getting in to our apartment. We also never used those food delivery apps/sites but we're considering trying them cuz we miss eating out. Since those things are doing non-contact delivery, they'll just put the bag down in the entrance area & leave. I'm guessing they would of likely left the bag on the bench before the bench disappeared but now they'll have to leave the bag or whatever on the floor which likely would be much more germy than the bench would of been. The good news is that Cass's mom took her shopping a little over a week ago & is supposed to take us shopping again towards the end of this week.
"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
"Hear all, trust nothing" ... cquisition
Fixations on inanimate objects, and abstract & concrete concepts alike e.g., stemming from special interests common with the Autism Spectrum might be proving helpful during current-events.
Lately, I've found myself doing online searches on the characteristics/ingredients of mundane household products. "Cleaning & sanitizing products are not so mundane these days!"
RELATED: LINK to story on Toilet-paper production piqued my interest: Iowa Company Looking for More Paper to Shred for Toilet Paper and Other Products:
LINK: ... -products/

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^^ funex, the danger with words; don't use those "hate myself&death(threads)" lightly or at all,
they can realize, as with the guy there that did
(what you see is what you get, what you say is what you provoke)
if you can do a thing to better the world or anything, it is to better your word-thinking:
"The trick is in what one emphasizes. We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves happy. The amount of work is the same"
"The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse"
"Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us"
(Quotes By Carlos Castaneda)
Missing my family so much, yes I do phone them and FaceTime but I still miss being able to see them
Fed up with hearing my boyfriend cough nonstop day and night (he's a compulsive smoker)
Worrying more about the future economy and my job and not seeing my family than I am of actually getting the virus
There was an interesting article on how to get your mind off quarantine.
New Yorkers are going green while in quarantine.
Folks on lockdown are buying up plants to decorate their pads — in part because those with black thumbs are around 24/7 to care for them and in part because they are soothing during stressful times.
Since New Jersey’s stay-at-home order took effect on March 21, stage manager Zach Schiffman has purchased 18 plants via Amazon Prime. “I was skeptical about mail-order plants, but once I got a perfect plant from a farm in Florida, I decided to order others,” says Schiffman, 33, of Fort Lee, NJ.
Also the owner of a photo-booth company called Studio Z, Schiffman adds that caring for his plants has given him something to focus on other than Lego and video games while furloughed. He has set up Bluetooth-enabled plant monitors, also purchased from Amazon, that alert him via a notification on his phone when a plant needs food or water.
Houseplants’ rise in popularity, especially among millennials, is well-documented. “Even before the coronavirus sent us inside for most of the day, people were buying houseplants and office plants, at record rates,” says Rebecca Bullene of design firm Greenery Unlimited, who lives in Greenpoint with her husband, dog and 50-plus plants. Still, the pandemic boosted plant-purchasing.
“Since mid-March, we’ve seen a tremendous spike in online sales, especially for blooming plants. We can hardly keep up with fulfillment,” says The Sill founder Eliza Blank. “People need something to tend to, to nurture, to pull away from the computer.”
“I have a slice of life in what otherwise would feel like four walls,” says Schmidt, 43. “I look around and literally feel like spring has bloomed indoors.”
Source: People buying more plants, garden tools while in quarantine: 'We've seen a tremendous spike'
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."

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they can realize, as with the guy there that did
(what you see is what you get, what you say is what you provoke)
For what it's worth, the quarantine wasn't the beginning of me feeling that way, that's basically been my leitmotif since nine years and couple of days before that song was actually released (do the math and you'll get the joke). That's how I feel all the time, I occasionally need to say so. I try to not bring it up too much, I know it does disturb some people and sympathize.
Also for what it's worth, I'm sincere in my affection for that song. It's always been deeply relatable that it was a morbid but genuinely-intended joke title... until, it simultaneously became a lot less funny but also somehow much more deeply funny.
Maybe not everyone is intended to live long. Maybe that's why some of us are started off-balance to begin with, because it's more dramatic and exciting to watch.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.

I'm pretty much the same. Not much has changed for me. I don't go to appointments anymore or occasionally go out to dinner with my parents *shrug*
So also with my usual I am only really being bothered by is other people & their behavior. The subject is just different.
"Inside the heart of each and every one of us there is a longing to be understood by someone who really cares. When a person is understood, he or she can put up with almost anything in the world."