IsabellaLinton wrote:
I walk to Mass on Christmas Eve but yeah, I'm around a little bit.
Boxing Day I'm usually in a coma, getting ready for the birthdays.
I don't know where I will be or what will happen in that period.
I usually go to Mass on Christmas Eve.
Last year people turned around to exchange a sign of peace, obviously with the "Covid" rules so no one touched anyone else's hand.
There was a nod.
I was very uncomfortable, there was even the TV recording.
And the backup singers, one of whom has an intonation that is annoying for me.
As for the party, and for those who are interested, you could extend it to January 6, 2024.
I remember that in another forum people had written greetings rather than Merry Christmas, but Happy Holidays.
In order to make everyone feel involved.
One of my contacts is Asperger and he is an Orthodox priest, for him it is Saint Spiridon, I remember that I wished him a happy birthday and he replied like this.
Orthodox Christmas arrives I believe a month after the Christian one.
Here in the city they organize for Halloween and the hypermarkets are already full of sweets for Christmas which is in 55 days.
Strange contrast.
*For @KitLily, maybe if you extend it by a few days you will have the opportunity to have more participants.
Ultimately, Christmas is a Celebration of an Event, that is, the temporal beginning of a very intense Spiritual event which only has its genesis on December 25th and not a sort of beginning and end.
At least in Italy it works like this, then people are increasingly alone now, traditional families consist of a maximum of three individuals.
Sorry, I quoted this post because it belongs to me in various of its passages and mentions, although it is composed of only two lines, it expresses three thousand of my word.
Nothing happens before a dream.
(Carl Sandburg)