Which imagined world would you like to live in?

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Sep 2009, 9:01 pm

deathchibi wrote:
shambala from full metal alchemist

Shamballa was a mythical place invented by Tibetan Buddhists. The Nazis used the same name to refer to a place where they thought "The Great Aryan Race" must have come from. The Nazi's believed that this place was real, and Himmler actually sent an expedition to Tibet in order to find it. They used this idea to justify the murder of millions of people.

In the movie of Fullmetal Alchemist, the Nazis learned that there was an alternate universe, and thought it was Shamballa. The gate opened into the underground city under Central City, in Amestris. Are you possibly talking about Amestris?
If so, i will provide you with some reasons that a person would not want to live in Amestris. These reasons involve spoilers, so if you haven't watched the whole show don't read it.
The government of Amestris is under totalitarian military rule which is willing to carry out the destruction of a minority ethnic group (the Isbalans). A government that commits genocide is what I would call... "bad." Anyhow, the whole country was set up by Dante so she could lengthen her already considerably long life, so I guess little problems such as intentionally getting people killed to make the red stones then working up to making a real Philosopher's Stone are to be expected. Awesome as Fullmetal Alchemist is, Amestris would be a terrible place to live.

Anyway, If I lived in a fictional world, I would live in the universe of "Girl Genius." It's so... Steampunk! Although the country Europa is a dictatorship, it's a benign dictatorship, so it probably wouldn't be too bad. If I had to pick a city, I'd live in Mechanicsburg, the city of crazies. I'd love it there! :wtg:


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06 Sep 2009, 9:24 pm

I created some imaginary cities, planned them (naturally), and I would live in those.

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06 Sep 2009, 10:37 pm

A world where you couldn't build a tolerance to any drugs, nor get addicted. (It would also be a plus, if they we're free or cheap) 8)

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06 Sep 2009, 11:01 pm

^ :lol:

My world would be by the water in a little english cottage with a farm off to the side. I'd have alpacas, goats, and a donkey and I would suddenly have the talent to be a kick ass gardener. This is definitely an alternate world since I tend to kill any living plant.


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07 Sep 2009, 12:30 am

actually considering Discworld...too many people run into, you know


Yeah, that's Death....;)

Mebbe some of the Heinlien worlds, without the kinky overtones...


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07 Sep 2009, 8:00 am

Oh, and the Dreaming, from the Sandman comic books, would be kind of cool. As long as the original Corinthian wasn't around, but he only steals boys' eyes so I suppose being a woman I'd be OK...then again, there are plenty of other nightmares...Gaiman's version of Faerie is also cool, but any version of Faerie tends to be a risky place for mortals, so perhaps not.

The Immateria in Promethea is another one I like.

I created an imaginary city a while back which is kind of a place I might like to live...except it was the setting for a series of (oh, what's the word, like cyberpunk but with magic thrown in...thaumopunk, maybe?) murder mysteries, so random people kept getting bumped off. An interesting, colorful, seedy kind of place, just not very safe.

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07 Sep 2009, 3:29 pm

First choice would be my own imaginary world of course, but since that's not an option I have to go with X-men:Evolution. I'd love to be a mutant with a cool power, or Rogue because I really like her.

A world with faeries.

A world where I can fly.

A world with talking animals.

When I was little I liked to believe that after death you could be reincarnated into a world and person of your choice; every time I saw a movie or read a book with a character I wanted to be I added it to a mental list I kept. I don't have a list anymore but I must admit I still wish this were true =/


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08 Sep 2009, 5:00 am

imiganary worlds i'd like to live hmmmm....

heaven, wonderland as in alice in wonderland. i would fit in right away. qoutes:"we're all mad down here".


i dunno i kinda like it here i gues.


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08 Sep 2009, 6:11 am

Most imaginary worlds are too full of monsters and dangers for my liking.

I want a "happily ever after" world where I can live in peace.

One of Asimov's better Spacer worlds would do but I vote for Avalon or Tur Nan Ogg.

Perhaps Shangra La from the book "Lost Horizons".

The Muslim paradise sounds ok too but when you have used up your 77 virgins do you get a new batch?


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08 Sep 2009, 2:43 pm

I'd probably live in an imaginary world where, there is no time limits nor, would there be any places or people you could come across..Basically, in the imaginary world I resided in I'd not have to be concerned with my external appearance as, that would not no absolute importance whatsoever..


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10 Sep 2009, 6:23 am

Wombat wrote:

The Muslim paradise sounds ok too but when you have used up your 77 virgins do you get a new batch?

There’s another aspect of this belief that intrigues me: what if a Muslim martyr was gay, will the virgins given to him be males? :twisted: :lol: Or, hahaha, what if that holy martyr of Jihad was still a child in the moment of his death and didn’t develop interest in women yet, what a waste of virgins for that kid :lol: . Another funny thought dawned on me too: I like to read about school shooters, they were young enough to be suspected of being virgins; imagine that they were punished for their crime by being given to the Muslim martyrs in their paradise as their reward, only to be raped by them for the whole eternity :twisted: 8) .


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10 Sep 2009, 8:39 am

The so-called human one.


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10 Sep 2009, 9:16 am

The Kingdom Hearts universe, in general.
In specific, probably The World that Never Was, though I'd probably like to visit/hang around other worlds frequently.

They leave behind so many shadows. This substance in time forced into life,
still exists because it's here: living in me, living in all the memories, in my life.
Lost inside blank infinity.

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11 Sep 2009, 7:12 am

Irulan wrote:
Wombat wrote:

The Muslim paradise sounds ok too but when you have used up your 77 virgins do you get a new batch?

There’s another aspect of this belief that intrigues me: what if a Muslim martyr was gay, will the virgins given to him be males? :twisted:

'Immortal boys' are mentioned in the Qur'an as serving wine to the dwellers in Paradise. It's not explicit about them doing anything else, but there has been speculation...

If we're talking afterlife realms here, I'll go for Valhalla: feasting, drinking, fighting, and getting up the following day and doing it all over again. The only snag is that as a woman, I'd have to die in childbirth to get there, and I don't fancy doing that. :?

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11 Sep 2009, 7:17 am

Irulan wrote:
Wombat wrote:

The Muslim paradise sounds ok too but when you have used up your 77 virgins do you get a new batch?

There’s another aspect of this belief that intrigues me: what if a Muslim martyr was gay, will the virgins given to him be males? :twisted: :lol: Or, hahaha, what if that holy martyr of Jihad was still a child in the moment of his death and didn’t develop interest in women yet, what a waste of virgins for that kid :lol: . Another funny thought dawned on me too: I like to read about school shooters, they were young enough to be suspected of being virgins; imagine that they were punished for their crime by being given to the Muslim martyrs in their paradise as their reward, only to be raped by them for the whole eternity :twisted: 8) .

Bisexuals would have the best bet, but Asexuals are screwed either way. :(

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11 Sep 2009, 7:19 am

The Capitol Wasteland from Fallout 3. The only thing I won't like about it as that I have to frequently contend with those Radscorpions. They're a major pain in the ass.