familiar_stranger wrote:
Ticker wrote:
But its so OLD. I can't even handle watching anything from the 80's anymore because its now so lame.
you can't say something's 'lame' just because it's from a certain period of time, some of the best films are classics from that decade
Hey I was a teenager of the 80's. Still I just think its hard looking back at shows of that era and earlier. Maybe guys just aren't sensitive to this because they haven't grown up as women but a lot of those shows reek of male chauvanistic viewpoints, guys are always the hero, all the women in the tv shows and movies are always the dumb bimbo who squeals and needs rescuing or else she's just a whore. Not to mention the hairstyles are bad, the clothes are bad and the color/sound quality and special effects of that era now look so bad like it was filmed in someone's garage as an after school project.
Not to mention our perception of humor has changed. My dad was even talking to me about this too. Like he said how the original Get Smart used to be hilarious in people's opinion but you look at shows like that now and its just cheesy or stupid.
That said I still love 80's rock music, but only certain specific groups.
I know I'll shut up now before the Professor kills me. Its just my viewpoint and your mileage may vary.