crystaltermination wrote:
Froya wrote:
I'm also working on a drawing, but mine is a scetch, and not even close to as detailed as yours. I'm trying to become more free and abstract in my art, at least that is what drives my creativity right now.
You are very talented!


I love abstract art - visited the Tate Modern in London a few times, though I tend to go with realism. I've always found a freedom using unfamiliar media in art too, such as markers, it causes my style to change. What sort of tools do you use with your art?
It depends on the media. When I draw with charcoal I use kneaded erasier, paper stump, color shaper, and my finger, I might also try to use a cotton rag. I have experimented with adding a little sand to the paint, and using a rag, sand paper, my finger and a palette knife to create diffrent effects and structures in oilpaintings, inspired by Odd Nerdrum. If you study these self portraits of him, you can see some of what I mean: