kraftiekortie wrote:
#3 is correct. I would like to go to Vietnam some day, and sleep in one of their tree houses.
I loved the work about the Yanomami----though it became controversial later because of the anthropologist's research methods.
Margaret Mead, who wrote about the Samoans, wrote in a very accessible style.
The hardest class I ever took was Anthropology. It sounded interesting but it was brutal. It was more about the scientific methods of carbon dating artifacts than it was about the actual people. We read a yellow book by a guy named Bruce Trigger. It was the closest I came to academic suicide. I found it extremely, extremely difficult for some reason.
1. The first email I ever wrote was to an associate whom I had a mad crush on, and later dated.
2. I didn't have a mobile phone until 2010.
3. I have never used Twitter (nor do I want to), and I don't really understand what it is.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.