It finally exists. After 26 years of my life, just last December.
And that was more than reasonable for me.
Yet, it's subjectively incomplete.
Last month I had cleaned up a huge damn mess.
Then just this month, no more than a week ago, I have to paint over that glaring paint 'decor' that my sister's ex spray painted over a white wall no less.
Then finally, finally I've only just installed a door knob on it. And I'm the only one who has the key in it.
Hopefully there won't be any nosy fricking boundary and privacy invaders.
To make it truly comforting and finally at home for me:
i've yet to change the bed sheets and pillow cases, the curtains, the windows, perhaps completing the walls and the cabinets with something subtle added to white...
The correct dimensions for my own table and chairs, also make it at least lavander scented...