Again with this driving myself insane rant.
Why do peep talks not helping me at all?
Let me recall the 'types' I've heard so far...
Cheer leading optimism, Encouraging stubbornness or what they dub as perseverance or determination, Tough talks of no-nonsense realism that may or may not tell you to stop whatever you're feeling, In-your-face face-it deal-with-it, Anti-guilt tripping its-all-in-the-past present/future oriented advices that may or may not involved religious stuff or deux machina, Cynical agreements or disagreements that may or may not mock your 'naivety', Rants from a pessimistic defeatist that may imply 'who had it worse' that may or may not contain nihilistic contexts that may also seething with envy, More "Me Too"s, More "Quote"s, More 2nd and 3nd handed 'sympathy'...
And oh so many more that I don't know, there's just so many mixes from various different flavors!
And... BY THE LOST GODS!! Even I don't completely believed or disbelieve if such exists.. I hate this annoying browser update bug!!