in a similar vein, people coming into the thriftway deli wanting to order something, and speaking SO QUIETLY I CANNOT EVEN HEAR THEM AT ALL.
like, dude:
1) you're wearing a mask, and it makes it hard to hear the both of us
2) it gets loud in the kitchen
3) every 10 seconds there's someone yapping over the PA which overpowers any sounds
4) i'm hard of hearing, to boot!! !! !
and perhaps even worse i get the occasional customer who, in order to rectify #1 will take off their mask to speak, showing me their invariably ugly mouth and blasting their germs/halitosis completely defeating the purpose of wearing the damn things.
JUST SPEAK UP!! !! !! IT'S NOT SO HARD!! !! !!
there is little hope.
funeralxempire wrote:
I wouldn't take on that job for less than I get paid doing my current horrible job, even though moderating a forum I use from home on the surface seems like a dream job (wow, get paid to read something I already read).
mods don't get paid (:
i think you knew this though
we do it for free out of the kindness of our hearts and endless generosity
LOL!! ! as if
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