a few
(my email sig):
Ask not what your age wants, but what it needs; not what it will reward, but what without which, it cannot be saved; and that go and do; and find your reward in consciousness of having done your duty, and above all in the reflection that you have been accounted to suffer somewhat for mankind.
-Orestes Brownson
My work is not a piece of writing designed to meet the taste of an immediate public, but was done to last forever.
-Thucydides, The History of the Peloponnesian War
Civis Romanus sum (I am a Roman citizen)
Galba seemed greater than just a private citizen as long as he was a private citizen, and everyone agreed that he was capable of being emperor -- if he had not become emperor.
-Taticus, Histories
I pray to you, go to the nearest church, and bring me the cross, and hold it up level with my eyes until I am dead. I would have the cross on which God hung before my eyes while life lasts in me.
Jesu, Jesus!
-Joan of Arc, 30 May 1431, at the stake (last words)