kazanscube wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
I knew I should have posted this a long time ago but there's this patron who visits the neighborhood library on a daily basis. He annoys everyone, especially the librarians on duty. However, the librarians have never told him to go to another library or have filed a restraining order against him. Many patrons have speculated that this patron may have ASD, but IMO, I think this patron may have ADHD than ASD.
-He makes obnoxious noises whenever he uses a Chromebook.
-Whenever the librarians tell him to keep quiet, he does not listen.
-He is very hyperactive.
What do you think? Does this guy have ADHD or something else?
That's hard to say Anonymous, cause there are some autistic persons whom tend to show erratic behaviors as, I've seen someone in my local library whom often sometimes observes people when they're looking at the newest dvd's to be turned however, it presents no harm nor offense to other he is simply interested in what people like to watch.. I can't realistically determine if the subject of your post is autistic or has AHAD even possibly schizotypal??
I just an article about schizotypal personality disorder and the description of STPD does not seem to describe this guy. He is very comfortable when making conversation with the library staff and acts like he owns the library whenever he visits. Whenever he has visited, I sometimes have heard him say things like "It's good to be back" even though he visits the library on a daily basis.
Also, I think the library staff is playing a waiting game with this guy. IMO, the library staff is waiting for him to do or say something inappropriate so they can do something drastic, such as telling him to go to another library.
Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!