fluffysaurus wrote:
Temeraire wrote:
For my fluffy friend.
I found out that a jacob's join is something like what I have with the girls when we get together.
We bring dishes of food to be shared and it is very much a pot luck what arrives at the table.
There is a mixture of homemade food and bought ready made food.
So it is a little bit like a picnic but indoors in our case.
Our next one is due in just over a week and we will also be watching a documentary and discussing.
The problem with shared food is I never know how much I'm allowed to have. I end up worrying about it the
whole evening or not having very much. I wish the'd give my a plate at the start with my share on it, then I
could relax.
What's the doco?
It is called 'The Mask You Live In' and shows many accounts of men's issues including the messages they are brought up with in society and the impact this has on them including their mental health and living authentically.
I don't have any problems with eating the food nor taking home the leftovers if there are some - it is only the 4 of us and we are all very good friends. I just hope my friends partner makes chocolate cake this time. I had a huge piece to take home last time and was eating it for 3 days. One thing which is a given is me mates samosas - she is a lovely cook too.