Warning: Streaming train of thoughts that may offend certain people with certain choices and circumstances. I'm not here looking for a debate.
Plan, rehearse, condition, straighten, retouch, then go. Then shut down, rest and worry for the next plan.
Nope, that's not the kind of life I want. Coping every encounter instead of absorbing it into adaptation. Ugh. Sorry, but I prefer long term solutions than daily-basis short term solutions. It's like a nuisance of a maintenance. I want learning and growing, not some on-hold compensation.
I don't want meds either. I'm glad that I turned down all suggestions of taking any. It's a maintenance, that can evolve into dependence which is the last thing I need or want. If I want to be free out of anxiety, I won't do that with anti-anxiety meds, I just hunt down the culprit, not those short term cheap tricks. And waiting? I wasted more than a year 'waiting'. But better that than going back up fast but be dependent for another years to come.
So uhm yes. That's how I see the lines between 'difference', 'disordered', and 'disability'.
And it's why I don't consider myself disabled, because I didn't became one. Disordered? Likely. Different? Definitely.
Conclusion: I have an unhealthy view towards neediness. The disabled are needy. This is why it's called "Special Needs".
Back then, I would've been one of those curebies because I have no control over my own case. I do not want needs, I do not want to be someone's extra work with some assumed excuse of an accommodation.
So what did I do instead? Get rid of the need! I'm not a cripple in any ways, so it's possible for me to live without accomodations. I'm high functioning enough, so it can work out.
Once I got rid of the need, I get rid of the compensation by actually learning and growing into independence.
This is my path, a path I never regretted.
But now I sort of a bit strayed from it, by wanting to be better than the average. I have some aptitude, and I have a lag. So I'll get rid of the lag.
I wanna be better at adapting, at socializing, at whatever NTs taken-for-granted strengths are and still be myself. So I took it that way.
And I still lack one important part: Wisdom.
Guile is easy, wisdom is not. So...
But what then? I don't have some ambition for myself other than just learning. I have no aspirations like being famous, or owning a business, or having my own family, or being a leader of whatever faction/advocacy/calling.
Fantasy Fulfillments then? If a loner fantasizes to be a social butterfly. I fantasize to be some sort of a guardian, or assistant, or someone with the knows, or being a spy who can take all roles, or a hyper competent servant.
Even if I had chose, I still wait for things than rushing just because death or accidents happen.
In any way, in any paths, no matter which, there is death. Yet that didn't made me worry, which is odd...
Anyway, back to the present: I'm bored. It's only 10:35PM. And I spent half the time triggering the keyboard back. This mini tablet had a stupid habit of being annoying. Not to mention that I kept disconnecting since I'm on the near edge of the wifi range, since the router is across the street.