Froya wrote:
Good for you DataB4!
I have found that crying can lessen the anxiety, I think that has to do with getting in touch with the real feeling that is behind the anxiety. Also when I feel depressed, I have noticed that if I get angry that can make me feel better. A therapiest once told me that behind every depression lies aggression.
Crying is one way to release emotion. I don't find it to do very much for the anxiety though because it doesn't release tension or get rid of the adrenaline. Exercise can do that, since I have nothing to run from or fight off, but I think there must be some sort of best practice to use up adrenaline quickly. I say this because exercise doesn't always do this for me, so I must be doing something right, only some of the time.
A martial arts instructor once told me that fighters can actually cry after an adrenaline rush and drop. There must be some biology to the crying, as I'm sure the fighters would not welcome this reaction.
Getting angry? Well, it changes my focus at least, and it can lead to action, whereas depression can lead to stagnation or withdrawal into myself.
DCJ, that sucks. I'm surprised you're not mostly in bed then. Usually when I'm that sick, I'm either sleeping, or half asleep, all day, or I'm forcing myself to work or otherwise interact with the world for an hour or two at a time, or less.
Kuraudo, the character flaws sound legit to me, though I couldn't guess whether or not they fit your story.