Ah...not sure if this fits here, so let me know...
I am depressed because my husband and I used to have an amazing relationship...after 10yrs together we finally married (we had lived together the entire time)...we had many rough times, but always pulled through...but in less than a year I feel completely different towards him. I want the same feeling back, but I can't see how or if it will ever happen. We have a 9yr old AS boy.
Our biggest problem? Stupid me, I married someone with the ex-wife from hell and a kid. Me, thinking that people are reasonable, that courts are reasonable, etc...was I ever wrong. Basically it works like this...If guy has no money, crazy ex asks for more and more if new wife has more money...if you don't give it to her, she threatens with court, etc...so idiot husband gave...of MY money...but then when he did have more money, she also wanted. You know, here's the deal and view of society and these crazy ex-wives...
1. New wife says, "no, you pay child support and anything extra from OUR house income must be agreed upon by US...Ex-wife and society say "tough, he works, you stay out of it, it is NOT your money, he can do with HIS money whatever he wants"...so guess who the witch is? Yep, me.
2. So then if idiot guy loses his job, and you say, "well, he has his money, I have my money, ie, that's what they claim" then guess what crazy ex-wives and people say, "oh no, he lives off you therefore YOUR money is his too"...HUH?
So for the last 11yrs I have lived this bs. Now his pathetic ex has let their 15yr old run around and sleep around for years now...courts will do NOTHING to stop it...that's JUST A DIFFERENT parenting style...go figure...now idiot 15yr old is pregnant and guess WHO PAYS the maternity bills? Yep, that's right, WE DO...oh no, of course, we don't...he does...which means I DO because that is less money for OUR bills...now if he lost his job, well again, they go back to "well, he lives off you and so therefore YOUR money is his money"...this is all crap. I am sick of this life.
My son has had to stop some of his therapies because we can barely afford FOOD some months...literally having 30USD for a week to eat 3 of us and he works in sales and is on the road most days spending gas and food...
I saw this coming, I warned everyone...everyone for the past 11yrs has told me "you are crazy, you have lost your mind"...and here it is in all it's glory...and although my husband kind of acknowledges I told him so, well, it doesn't matter cause we'll still have to pay for this idiot kid who WANTED to get pregnant, not an OOPS...funny, I had to pay for MY maternity bills because my boyfriend/now husband could not afford them at the time so I PAID THEM IN FULL...but now I get to pay for this crazy teen whose mother let her sleep around?
This is some major stress...this is some major depression...I went from owning my own home, having over 100K in savings 8yrs ago, stocks, no debt, 2yr paid off car...to zero savings, tons of debt, could lose my card anyday now (5 yr old car) and NOT HAVING enough food to eat some days...while we pay for his kid to have iphones, laptops, Hollister and everything else AND enough for her to buy her boyfriend clothes with OUR money...and she barely attends school, has been truant and the courts did NOTHING to the mother...so the kid is 16 pregnant and in 9th grade...yep! We have to pay until this idiot is out of school...when will that ever happen at 20? 21? Meanwhile my son does without therapies because our "income" is too high to qualify for anything...why? Because they do NOT deduct the child support my husband pays before qualifying...so there you go...we live off 1400USD a month and the idiot receives 800USD a month in child support...for ONE truant kid...Oh, it's true I no longer work...I worked for 19yrs...I was laid off and because we could not find after school cheap care for our kiddo, we could not put him in school so I had to continue homeschooling...
I think that's a good enough reason to be depressed...