NcNbl wrote:
thank you, i hope my misery isn't annoying or bothering you.. as for good mate material around me, trust me there's none around me and there are none that are good. i think what i am severely grieving about is also mostly losing the person that i am to him, because i like who i was to him and i can't be that to anybody again. its the nico in his eyes that i like but he now longer cares about or can't even look at.
yes, it feels bad when one's sense of self is diminished. those feel-good feel-effectively human serotonin-pumping brain parts are falling down on the job here. this is where you look yourself in the eye [in the mirror] and say to self, "self, i am done with suffering on account of other people. from now on, i won't pay it any more mind. as long as i do the best to be the best ME that i can be, there is no reason for me to feel bad about myself." and mean it with all your heart. your heart is asking "will there really be a tomorrow?" and your brain must reply to the heart, "YES! it starts NOW!"
NcNbl wrote:
i know what you mean and i understand it all but it it doesn't mean it wont hurt.. sometimes it even hurts or more because you understand. i walked in to this with my heart, so its my heart that needs to get out of this. so, so far this is me till my heart and i find a way but i dont even know where to start nor if i have the strength and courage to do it too now.. i know i sound very desperate and pathetic, i'm sorry..
you know what you should do, you know you should tell your your brain that it will have to take your heart and tell it to sit back and let the brain do its work. your brain knows it has to help your heart walk it way backwards out of this dead-end of depression. your brain knows what to do. your heart is waiting for the leadership of your brain. today is the first day of the rest of your life, and there is no time like the present to take the first steps forward. inertia will be desperate to remain just as it is, that is where your brain must take the lead and give it a kick in the pants. you may feel desperate now but you are far from pathetic. you know what to do. the first step is the hardest step but once taken, the rest will be easier. the sooner you walk back from the cliff, the sooner you get back to your essentially sanguine self.
NcNbl wrote:
i feel like a severely weird loser ugly aspie trying to get a creeped out hotshot bigshot NT to like him. i dont mean any offense, i'm just trying to make a comparison with how it could feel and how difficult it could be.
please desist from calling yourself ugly and a loser. IMHO, you are a BABE. you come from good stock and you have the right stuff. you are going places in life. you [like all spirits having a human experience] did the hardest thing just deciding to be born into your present lifetime. the rest is just the follow-through. don't put all your eggs in one basket. when you pay exclusive attention to one thing only, you ignore all the rest of the good things out there. please meditate on this.
i'm praying for you, nico.