Unknown wrote:
Here's my plan:Get LOTS of trucks and guns,wage guerrilla warfare against the US government and wear them out and TAKE THE CAPITAL!! !! !
Time to switch to decaf, man.
I'm kinda concerned by some of the tone here. I'm against the curebie mindset as a whole, but I think we should be most careful to not come across as being against all research.
The truth is that most of us are okay. I know that I would not wish to be "cured." And I am certainly against the concept of applying a cure at the first sniff of autism. But....
Let's suppose you've got a kid in fetus, and you KNOW that he's going to be extremely low-functioning autistic, who will never be able to care for himself. Assuming a cure existed, would anyone oppose curing him?
Now, let's suppose that you've got a kid in fetus and he MAY be LFA, or he may be the next Issac Newton. You've got your cure handy... but it can only be applied
right now. If you wait to see which way it goes, it will be too late.
Not so easy, is it?
Fortunately, I agree with "parts"....
parts wrote:
In the US we are headed for a major conflict on all the issues of genetic testing and who gets to know what. With the controversy surrounding abortion I don't think it will come to that if it does think of the strange allies we would have like the Catholic church and many republicans.
Politics makes for strange bedfellows, which is one of the reasons you'll see the ACLU jumping to defend the Catholics and the Republicans when the need arises. The notion of abortion as gene control would frighten a lot of people, and the political ads would write themselves.
"My name will be Holly. I will be born with a problem. I will have [insert disability here] but I will learn to live a full life, unless Mommy and Daddy kill me because I'm not perfect."
One political angle that will have to be considered... the backlash from the concept of using abortion as genetic cleansing will give much strength to the anti-abortion crowd. I'm pro-choice, but I think that if I were to have to choose between no abortions allowed and abortion used in such a manner, I'd have to think about it long and hard.
"And if I had the choice, I'd take the voice I got, 'cause it was hard to find..."
--Johnette Napolitano