Jakki wrote:
Thank you high llama,, days of exhaustion , catch up, on a person and can make them more accident prone
Until some level of equaiibrium is reached. Fortunately have been able to time my best hours of the day with most functional hours of concioness . Usually pressing
alittle harder to get stuff caught up as much as I can during the workweek. Leaving weekends to hopefully recover?
DRAT am still awake , grump grump grump!
I think that's the problem for me, too. And probably a lot of us here. You have to do so much during the week, convincing yourself you can catch up on the weekend, but it's not that simple, is it? More like we should work on the weekend and catch up during the week.
Big smiles.
,. Such a Wonderful idea ! I like it . I really try to end. everyday before evening arrives..