I really like the necklaces you posted DeathFlowerKing, especially the raven skull The only jewelry I ever worn was my senior class ring & I only wore that to school. I've been thinking about getting a chain thou but I have more important things to spend my money on. Maybe if I cant resist the urge to splurge a bit, I'll check Etsy out.
CockneyRebel wrote:
I want a job for Christmas. It has to be an easy job.
I hear ya. Disability benefits do NOT keep up with the real inflation. It's a struggle for me to not get deeper into debt. I really should start looking for a job soon so I can be more active & not worry about money so much but it's very difficult for me to get started on a job search without someone guiding me or suggesting places & jobs to apply for. Programs where my parents live that were supposed to help disableds find employment were a waist of my time. I just kept getting told that I needed to keep applying & asserting myself by asking employers to check my apps. When I called or went to places & asked, management said they get hundreds of apps & are not able to go through them all
What is the point of asking when I will automatically be dismissed
I really needed help with getting my foot in the door so to speak & getting a chance to prove myself to employers but I need major help just getting programs to actually do that for me.
Plus I don't want to risk losing my benefits. I had different benefits when I was working & if I made too much, I just would not get any SSI for that month. With Social Security Disability I can earn a little money without problems but if I make over a certain amount, I get kicked off. When I lived with my parents I majorly struggled to find work & the three employers I had were not very flexable about hours. Full-timers were scheduled for 35-40 hours every week & part-timers were scheduled for 30-33 every week. The state I live in now has a higher minimum-wage & working 30 hours every week for minimum-wage might cause me to earn too much, at least on the months when I get three paychecks(most jobs pay biweekly) & then I would have to quit working & reapply to get back into the program. If I lose my benefits I would need to work full-time making minimum-wage to break even after taxes & everything so I'd need to be working over-time in order to get ahead of where I currently am financially. It's very discouraging
OK that's enough rambling.