It really hurts to see you keep choosing to do this thing again and again. This is the very thing that broke us up. It was more important to you than meeting me or being with me. It hurt so much when you told me you were choosing that over me. It looks like it is always going to come between us. And I can't be connected to you as long as you are still connected to that. It was bad for me and I want nothing to do with it anymore.
What's up with the songs? Yeah that also is why we broke up, because I was always trying to decipher the songs and you couldn't give me a clear answer about anything. I've been torn between hoping something might change for the better, and fearing the worst...really I figured you were just trying to lure me back into posting there so you could try to humiliate me again. Then you did something totally unexpected, you just disappeared with no explanation. Well damn I thought maybe you were dead or sick, or something horrible happened. To be honest I halfway wished I'd never see you post anything again, just so this would all be over. It would have been so much easier like that, than seeing what you wrote today. Not again. It just opens that old wound back up again. After all the hard work of putting myself back together...
Are you doing this on purpose? Is it just a game for you? Really I can't tell. I don't know who you are anymore. Yeah a lot of people tried to tell me who you are, and HOW you are, but I don't think they know either.
Nothing about you makes any sense. I'm sick of all the games and the nonsense. It really pissed me off when your friend called me. You don't have the courage to call me yourself? Then the songs started up again, and I know I just shouldn't look, but I can't help it. You left me hanging, feeling totally mindfucked, then things just got worse and worse. So yeah naturally I am still looking for answers and trying to understand what happened.
I think you had me figured out all along though. You knew it wouldn't take much to keep me waiting and hoping, so you just throw out little pieces now and then to keep it going. Maybe I'm not strong enough yet, but one day I won't be taking the bait anymore.