Nobody understands what I say, cuz I multisay...
@mecatoi1 May 29
Birdsdontsing.NeitherSabiánorRobin: r anal phabets:cannot cann't can't ca't c't c' ' ' ' ' ' learnpartituraorsing. Like avirgin. So dumb.
Birds cope our celébrities, hoo fortunately cry out in our τύμπανο τύμπανο ( Celé brits cry sooo loud.Great style.Supimpa.
Cerébrities hav the most high-powered brains in Laniakea. Som'them also hav a lorof ney spear too. And Laniakea, you know, is big. Gigantic.
Pauci bestias non celebritatis sunt. Tôral dizazter. Rarus stulti plopus r cal'd regular peeple. Coz lackent comon sens. Like Squid. Losers.
Robin came 2 my window and screamed 4 to tell that MIM caesn't writes a book here. This schītte stands for cryin, not silencein. Fuckinbird.
I tweeted loud back: Shut up our beaks. Nobody knows what a book is. Stupid.
He chirrupeds loudiest to teachs dat MIM caesn't says wot think about OGDP. I think nothing.Unlike US (u+s=yous) Igotnospace. Us stretchers.
And that I must never, ever, write from beginin to end. Coz it's nonsensical. Preposterous. Sí sí sí sies: peprousderos. Nolo inbenté. Dale.
Also not to page up to page down. Disease pas haute cuture, he said. Like arabian. Bad language, Great Satan. Terrific.
But I wrote it alllll before in WordNotPerfect. Tyeks weeks to invert it. But I con't. Disease a conundrum. Easelly. Too lly.
Robin, noisellly: twatter exists just to retwaat what a celeb says. Just like that. Simples like in PTPT: simple+simple=simples. Tooo llly.
Jem'en fous.C le Stifrornis eritrotorax q aiment être baisés pour Bâtiment, pas moi.G prèfér l'aute cul-ture. אתם באתם מסדום.I from Br. PDs.
I said cul.Not cu.Look: culture,lèche-culture,etcterrrá-culture.Readers are ill little lates: illculture,littleculture,lateculture;r celebs.
Yeah!, I realised jews love love cisions: palestinecision, syriacision, vowelcision. העורלה phabets.
Je mehr wir schreien, desto mehr haben wir recht. Germans r sooo clever. You'll love Them.
They love merkel cell. We also would love to grab her too. Boner (emuka in PTBR: ఎముక). I said BONER.
Yeap. I love Orange: . I do actually like him. We need Him to be POTBR. youtube/n3KfNvshNpc. Realllly.
Love Rabit Roger too. Toooo lllly.
AMERICA FIRST. AMERICA FIRST. But can we just say “B R SECOND ???”