Absolutely not!
I'm asexual, so Iwouldn't want to do anything to get to the part of conceiving. Furthermore, I don't wanna be pregnant or give birth.
The thought of bringing up a child, teaching it moral and values, protecting it from danger (paedophiles, drugs, crime, rape, etc) are not tempting at all. Wiping noses and behinds, changing diapers, persuade it to eat. Hosting parties. Screaming and yelling. Wondering how the heck to handle the child when it challenges you, be it the tantrum of a 3-year-old or a provocative teen.
No thanks!
Not at any age have I understood or gotten along with children in general. When I was 14 I sometimes looked after a 6 months old baby boy and I thought he was great. So great that when my class had a 4 day long practice period, I was sent to a daycare center. I liked the children there, but I was extremely awkward with them, and I never was at ease around them. I was very uncertain how to handle them. It’s hard to say for sure, but in retrospetive I wonder if one of the boys there might have been an Aspie. I recognised myself strongly in this boy while the employees there didn’t get him at all. He wouldn’t talk to them, but he talked to me…
I looked after my cousin's daughter when she was just under 2 years, and we got along fine. Now I have no idea how to deal with her and her brother.
Aged 14-15 I wished I had younger siblings (probably because of the baby boy), a dream I hadn’t had since I was about 7. Aged 16-17 I actually wanted children of my own. I must admit, though, that I had a fairly romanticised, unrealistic view of what having siblings or children would be like.
Aged mid 20's I had a short term longing, which was mostly realising that I'd never have a toddler of my own, feeling somewhat nostalgic. (Yes, you can feel a sort of sorrow for something that never was.)
Now I understand very well that this is not for me and I have long since come to terms with it.