I agree with the fact the term is abused way out of context.
Generally noticeable when you get the typical hit and run bully.
They will result to name calling, just for lack of better so-called fact.
Most Aspies I are very good at doing whatever it is that they are doing,
Leaving little doubt for question as to exactly what they are doing.
(exactly why they are doing it......different Topic)
Prime example is; when I get upset, people will know that I am upset,
no bull or hiding what I am upset about nor at whom I am upset with.
I have seen this happen over and over again to many people at WP.
Standing for, or standing up for what you believe is not trolling.
Dishonoring the person rather than the principle, is trolling.
Reaching into the proverbial hat just to throw a bunch of names for entertainment, is trolling.
Repeated such acts are by definition is bullying. And yes, it does make me sick to see people revert to blaming others for their emotions. But truth be known, I don't believe for one minute that any human being on earth was ever born knowing what to do or not to do. At the same time, when multiple people from multiple directions are telling you the same thing, it is a clue to be considered. When such clues are ignored, it's time for a reminder from upstairs.
Sad thing is that some absolutely refuse to be open to others opinions and assessments.
As a result, they try to make you as angry as they are, and can not or will not admit it.
This brings up the point of false accusations of trolling, is actually flaming in itself.