Here is the original forum thread I got this from.
I just clicked "Translate" and got this now. But I'd make a far better translation given enough time.
A few examples:
They came up with the modern payola formatting that allows the top to control what airs on the radio and what people buy therefore controlling what and how people think.
Google translates that as "that gives up to" which makes no damn sense. A better translation would be "De hittade på den moderna payola formateringen som låter toppskiktet kontrollera vad som sänds i radio och vad folk köper, och därför kontrollera vad och hur människor tänker". Granted, the translation wasn't useless, and there was a grammatical fault in the original English at the very end, but someone surfing the net should probably learn English anyway if they want to meaningfully understand English sites.
An example of what misunderstandings would arise through depending on this tool is a personal experience with mine. I was looking at a forum page with Vietnamese, which was a thread that was about Vietnamese Asexuals, and I translated it into Swedish with this toolbar. At one point I read "I like people in small pieces". I highly doubt that was what it originally said.
"Purity is for drinking water, not people" - Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.