ClosetAspy wrote:
No, A is blue. Z is yellow.
B is red, C is cream or white, D is green, E is black, F is tan, G is gray. Words too, especially names, will have their own color, usually taken from the color of the initial letter.
A - Yellow
B - Red
C - Blue to cyan
D - Orangish
E - Red
F - Yellow to light orange
G - I'm actually bit unsure. It's a mess.
H - Greyish green
I - Blue
M - Dark brown
Z - Orange
When it comes to words, I see colours, but I rarely pay too much attention to them solely as I already start having vivid images inside my head. Numbers and letters do also float out there, but don't cause as much chaos.
ClosetAspy wrote:
Also, do you see "faces/facial expressions" in numbers? Like 4 is a nose, 9 is a smile, 2 is stern and serious, that sort of thing?
I could associate them if I wanted, but don't do it automatically. I'm more a colour person though even then the expressions are pretty much influenced by their original colour (like smile = red, eyes = blue).