digger1 wrote:
Went for my annual physical today and they hooked me up to an EKG monitor to take a one minute reading. It was fine.
Anyway, I'm noticing new procedures that they're doing due to age.
Frankly, I don't feel old at all. I feel like a 20 year old but I guess of my chronological age (36), they need to poke their fingers in places and hook me up to machines to make sure I'm not going to kick the bucket I guess. The doc also ashed about my joints. That, above the prostate exam was what got me thinking about my age.
Wow, you seem pretty young for all that. I just asked my doctor what my husband could expect at his physical (which he hasn't had in 10 years), and she listed off a few things which I don't remember, but none of them involved being hooked up to an EKG monitor. I think they check for testicular cancer at his age, but not prostate unless you show symptoms. He's 41.
I'm 42, and they don't do much of anything, aside from a gyn exam, which of course wouldn't apply to you.