hi tk5800, let me start by saying wow... that's quite a lot to process.
i will do my best to accept you however you wanted to be, as long as no laws were broken. so, no underage drinking, smoking cigarettes underage, and no dope. period... but then you know what i was doing at 16 and you laugh off my feeble attempt at direction
so, ok son, you may drink, and er "smoke" at home under my supervision and under no other circumstance, that is final... and no, i am not looking to use you for dope, i really don't like the stuff at all. cigarettes are just filthy, they are bad for your health and you get no benefit, i quit three months ago after 14 years (no, really). spend the money on something less harmful - like LSD.
...but understand this, the goals that you have and what they mean to you is something i will protect with great enthusiasm - if your capacity to function and achieve those goals is diminished in any way i will have you locked down harder than you can imagine. the freedom i am giving you is conditional, i expect one thing, respect... not only for me, but for yourself. what do you want out of life? i will help you make it happen... and, in all seriousness, i ask you this; why do you need drugs (alcohol, dope) to function? they are not essentials for life, please also provide a cost-benefit analysis justifying your position on drugs. i need you to be very conscious of the decisions that you make and their repercussions... after all, it is your developing mind and your developing body.
while i am heterosexual i am fine with you being homosexual and with same sex marriage (let all share the grief of divorce
). please always practice safe sex, if you are anxious about buying protection or would like to speak with someone (not emotionally attached as i am to you) that can help you with any questions regarding your sexuality i will work with you to help you as much as i can. that is what parents are for.
your taste in punk music is a-ok, just no sugary angst pop posing as punk please... real punks spit on the audience
. and while we are on the subject of music you should take a look through my collection , you may be pleasantly surprised.
finally, you wish to convert to islam? well, ok. i am (as you know) an atheist, but that does not mean i cannot see a structured set of morals and some direction for life packaged as religion, it may be just what you need. from my own experience i explored spirituality as part of a 3-4 year obsession, taking in as many teachings from as many forms, reading as much as i could before i made up my own mind. you deserve the same freedom to explore your identity in the way that i did, if you find you are nourished (satisfied) by the way of islam then i will be happy for you.
...but (and there always is something), you may find that islam is not so accepting of your pro-substance stance (alcohol, dope, cigarettes) and your sexuality as you would like. i suggest that you look for a very liberal mosque, with a very liberal immam.
"see without looking, hear without listening, breathe without asking" - W.H Auden