tongue goo or slime in the morning

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15 Nov 2009, 9:28 am

a lot of mornings, I wake up with this mucus-like crap on my tongue. It's thick and viscous and needs to be gotten rid of. I feel sometimes if I don't get rid of it, it'll make me groggy. Sometimes I'll scrape with a metal ruler, a hobby spatula or just eat something crispy like triscuts.

I'm fairly certain it's not thrush. My breath doesn't smell like bread and though it is white, it's not white-white as in cottage cheese. It's white like nose contents.

any suggestions on what it might be or how I can get rid of it without making myself puke? (I have a quick gag reflex)

and yes, I brush.

Think it could be the secretions from my mucus-producing areas (nose, throat) kind of creeping it's way to my tongue?


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15 Nov 2009, 9:35 am

thats a route for your body to excrete waste - toxins. its a good idea to remove it. how healthy is your diet?


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15 Nov 2009, 9:36 am

lol I think everyone gets that to some extent.. you know, from breathing all night, especially if you breathe with your mouth open. It dries your spit out. I just slosh hot water around in my mouth in the morning, that gets rid of it pretty quick.

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15 Nov 2009, 9:39 am

psych wrote:
thats a route for your body to excrete waste - toxins. its a good idea to remove it. how healthy is your diet?

not very. I do have kind of healthy dinners and that's about it. I'll finish everything on my plate for the most part including the veggies.

It's nice to know that it's more common than I thought. Thanks for that wiggly.


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15 Nov 2009, 9:44 am

a lot of years ago, the goo turned brown for a while. Don't know what that was about.


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15 Nov 2009, 8:04 pm

digger1 wrote:
psych wrote:
thats a route for your body to excrete waste - toxins. its a good idea to remove it. how healthy is your diet?

not very. I do have kind of healthy dinners and that's about it. I'll finish everything on my plate for the most part including the veggies.

i hardly touch processed food at all, and live off raw 'healthy' stuff.Even so, im forever getting minor infections and feeling run-down.

ive only just started learning the importance of balancing alkaline-forming & acid-forming foods together so the body does not become overly acidic as is common in most western diets. So although theres loads of healthy stuff on both sides, ive been living mostly off the 'acid' side. ... dlist.html

^ its quite contradictory that list, but you get a general idea.


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16 Nov 2009, 8:18 am

^ That's interesting, I didn't know about that either. Thanks for the link.

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16 Nov 2009, 8:53 am

Hi digger 1,

Just a few idea's

Can I ask why you say categorically your problem is it not Thrush? Candida Albicans (thrush) produces over 80 different toxins in the body. Thats alot of ways it can effect each individual person. Also blood test do not always prove true when it comes to Candida. I have alot of experience with this is my 2 boys.

As an aside if you have this thick sticky mucus in your mouth it is likely to be in your gut too. This mucus is known as biofilm and it gives many harmful bacteria, fungus and toxic substances a fantastic place to stay alive and multiply.

If you are interested in getting rid of the mucus I would try a diagestive enzyme called and readily available. However this will not address the cause of the mucus, just break it down while ever you take it.




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16 Nov 2009, 11:40 am

Wet washcloth.

It comes up every so often, just use a wet washcloth and it generally goes away for 2 weeks or so.

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16 Nov 2009, 1:11 pm

saywhatyamean wrote:

Can I ask why you say categorically your problem is it not Thrush? Candida Albicans (thrush) produces over 80 different toxins in the body. Thats alot of ways it can effect each individual person. Also blood test do not always prove true when it comes to Candida. I have alot of experience with this is my 2 boys.

Because it's not that white. It's white like healthy mucus. Thrush is generally bright white like paint or cottage cheese and my wife says my breath doesn't smell like anything including and especially fresh-baked bread.


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08 Dec 2009, 9:38 am

finally found a decent mouthwash. Act. It doesn't burn a tenth of what Listerene does.

See, I went to the dentist yesterday and I really don't keep very good care of my mouth at all. I have a cavity near the gum line and the gums wouldn't stop bleeding. That is, they would but if she even touched the gum with any equipment, it would seep and she didn't want to give me a pink filling. So I've been brushing since then. Well, not non-stop, That can be far worse than not brushing methinks. Brushing at bedtime and in the morning. I know ideally, I should be brushing three times a day but I don't really feel the need after lunch.

I think one of my problems is that I drink way too much soda and I graze throughout the day. I only have one real meal a day. The rest of the time, it's like chips, cookies, a bagel, maybe a sandwich or leftover pizza.

I have another appointment late next week. I promised the dentist that I would have much healthier gums when I next see her.