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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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07 Dec 2009, 3:44 am

I was aware that i was sleeping and i was like in a living enviroment,a house in practicular...I could go to whatever room i wanted i could open doors i had will to go whatever i wanted in that house and it was really a living enviroment i mean i could go to a room see it how it was then go out of this room then go again inside this room and still be the same...Was that lucid dreaming???


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07 Dec 2009, 4:12 am

A lucid dream is one where you know you are asleep and that what you are seeing is a dream and not real. So if that was the case then yes. I get them sometimes. It can be a lot of fun. I hold conversations with people who I know are not real or do things I wouldn't normally do in real life because I know it is just a dream. Another hallmark of a lucid dream - from my own experience is that colours are more intense than in real life. Colours are more brilliant.

Another fun thing to do in lucid dreams is to look at something then look away from it then look back again - often the thing looked at will have changed either a little or a lot. You could be holding a conversation with someone you know, look away, look back and they have turned into a dog or something. It can be very funny. Dreams are like movies with bad continuity - the actors keep changing what they are wearing between scenes.

There is also as much (if not more) detail in a lucid dream as in real life. I remember picking a dream flower and looking at it closely seeing all the petals, stamens etc.

You can get up to all manner of mischief in a lucid dream. Don't try to push things too hard though or you will wake up.

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07 Dec 2009, 4:38 am

I have done a bit of lucid dreaming. Most often it will be a dream with something bad in it. I will know it is a dream so I will rewind, start the dream over and change the ending to something positive.

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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09 Dec 2009, 12:16 am

Lucid dreaming is when you are able to control your dreams while you are still alseep. I used to be able to do it and still can now and then. I make myself dream about my special intrests.


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09 Dec 2009, 3:54 am

I've had them sometimes and yes, they are fun. :D

One that I still recall quite well involved me flying with a Macintosh computer in front of me--nothing under or around us--and I could climb and dive and bank just by moving the mouse. I remember thinking, Wow--when I wake up, I've got to buy a Mac because you can't do this with Windows.

All the other dreams I have where I can fly end up with me unable to control my flight (like the wind picking me up, or floating just above the ground while trying to walk) and eventually waking up as I crash. :(

Darn, now I'll probably have one of those tonight. :evil:


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09 Dec 2009, 9:22 am

I think I've only had one lucid dream:

I was back on an old job (Circuit City) and one of the managers told me to take out a metal garbage can. Something which I can't remember occurred that indicated that it was a dream - something unusual. I told the manager that this was a dream and he said, "it's a dream, huh?"

There are herbs that you can make into a tea which can facilitate lucid dreaming.


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10 Dec 2009, 1:44 pm

digger1 wrote:
I think I've only had one lucid dream:

I was back on an old job (Circuit City) and one of the managers told me to take out a metal garbage can. Something which I can't remember occurred that indicated that it was a dream - something unusual. I told the manager that this was a dream and he said, "it's a dream, huh?"

There are herbs that you can make into a tea which can facilitate lucid dreaming.

do you know the name of said herb?