Come on up to Washington! I promise it doesn't rain constantly. XD; Especially in Summer, it goes weeks without raining, and winter was being pretty dry too until about last week...
It rains a lot more in Alaska, which makes everything grow really green and really huge, but it still doesn't rain every day.
Anyway, back to Washington.. if you want a lot of nice forest, you should move somewhere near Mount Rainier national park. It's got the nice green western forests on one side, and if you drive to the eastern side, it's got the drier wilderness with the big anthills and the rattlesnakes. XD And up on the mountain, really nice alpine meadows with goats and marmots and stuff all over. You can spend a day up there and come back down without even having to camp overnight.
But I've actually been thinking of moving to Colorado. The scenery seems more impressive overall. In WA, unless you go up in the mountains or to a big park, what you've got is mostly.. well: ... f27054.jpg Damn salmonberries. XD;;; And other prickly things.
Also, the population is less dense in Colorado, and it snows more there and probably has more days of swimming-weather in Summer. (we only get a week or two of really hot weather in WA.)
According to Wikipedia, Colorado has the same percentage of secular residents as Washington.. %25.
South Dakota also seems like a really beautiful place. I don't know much else about it though.
Pennsylvania is a place I know nothing about, sorry. XD;
Thanks man. Washington state is seeming better and better as is colorado.