I want to move out of florida. Where??

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17 Dec 2009, 1:20 pm

After I graduate from college I want to move out of florida. I just have a few more credits before my AA so I know I have a ways to go. Living in florida has been nice but I've been here most of my life and I need a change of scenery. Since I am going to school for environmental research (i hope) I want to move somewhere with lush woodland. My top two choices are washington state and pennsylvania. There are upsides and downsides to each however. With washington the upsides are that it has very lush woodlands from what I hear, doesn't get as cold as other northern states as it's on the pacific coast, has unique flora and fauna, and has more bigfoot sightings than anywhere else in america. Also I hear it's very liberal and non-religious there. The downsides are that it rains constantly there, does'nt experience much seasonal variety, and is VERY far away from my family in florida (though another reason I want to move out of state is to go somewhere far away to start my life over). With pennsylvania the upsides are that there are very lush woodlands, much seasonal variety, and it's still on the east coast so it is closer to florida then washington and also closer to the small amount of family I have in new jersey. The Downsides are that since it has seasonal variety it gets VERY cold in the winter, and I hear there are many religious people there which is one reason why I'm trying to leave the bible belt of florida. No offense religious people but I'm pantheist and very strongly against religion. If anyone here is from either state please let me know your opinion as to which is better. Also, I may not have considered another state. Please suggest.



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17 Dec 2009, 1:56 pm

Not southern AZ. Maybe northern AZ, or CO.


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17 Dec 2009, 2:42 pm

persian85033 wrote:
Not southern AZ. Maybe northern AZ, or CO.

Actually, colorado may be a good choice as well.



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17 Dec 2009, 3:29 pm

Come on up to Washington! I promise it doesn't rain constantly. XD; Especially in Summer, it goes weeks without raining, and winter was being pretty dry too until about last week...
It rains a lot more in Alaska, which makes everything grow really green and really huge, but it still doesn't rain every day.
Anyway, back to Washington.. if you want a lot of nice forest, you should move somewhere near Mount Rainier national park. It's got the nice green western forests on one side, and if you drive to the eastern side, it's got the drier wilderness with the big anthills and the rattlesnakes. XD And up on the mountain, really nice alpine meadows with goats and marmots and stuff all over. You can spend a day up there and come back down without even having to camp overnight.

But I've actually been thinking of moving to Colorado. The scenery seems more impressive overall. In WA, unless you go up in the mountains or to a big park, what you've got is mostly.. well: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1207/953 ... f27054.jpg Damn salmonberries. XD;;; And other prickly things.
Also, the population is less dense in Colorado, and it snows more there and probably has more days of swimming-weather in Summer. (we only get a week or two of really hot weather in WA.)
According to Wikipedia, Colorado has the same percentage of secular residents as Washington.. %25.

South Dakota also seems like a really beautiful place. I don't know much else about it though.

Pennsylvania is a place I know nothing about, sorry. XD;

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Last edited by wigglyspider on 17 Dec 2009, 6:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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17 Dec 2009, 3:56 pm

Vermont is nice and it's got Champ.

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17 Dec 2009, 4:13 pm

Well, New Zealand rocks. And it would certainly fit your criteria of being nice and far away to start your life over! Lots of lush green woodland, warm climate that doesn't rain all the time, secular, clean and green...

But as far as within America goes... I've heard that Seattle in Washington is the place in America that's most like New Zealand. :)


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17 Dec 2009, 4:19 pm

If you're into mountains and the majestic outdoors, it's pretty hard to beat the Western US. The Northeast has some decent nature stuff (especially VT), but the sheer scale of it just can't compare. However if you really don't like religion, WY is probably too conservative for your tastes, and UT is absolutely out of the question. NM is fairly liberal, and warmer than CO, but doesn't have as much vegetation.

There are a lot more evergreens in WA (the Evergreen State) than in PA, so the specific type of vegetation is different. Not sure what kind of lush vegetation you were looking for.

My experience with PA is mostly limited to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but if you stick to PA cities I don't think you'd have too much problem with religious people. Sure, in between those two cities is Amish country, but they pretty much keep to themselves anyway. :P

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17 Dec 2009, 5:45 pm

You want to move somewhere with lush woodlands, and a low degree of religiosity? I'm thinking Sweden. :cool:

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17 Dec 2009, 6:54 pm

digger1 wrote:
Vermont is nice and it's got Champ.

What's Champ?

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17 Dec 2009, 6:59 pm

history_of_psychiatry wrote:
After I graduate from college I want to move out of florida. I just have a few more credits before my AA so I know I have a ways to go. Living in florida has been nice but I've been here most of my life and I need a change of scenery. Since I am going to school for environmental research (i hope) I want to move somewhere with lush woodland. My top two choices are washington state and pennsylvania. There are upsides and downsides to each however. With washington the upsides are that it has very lush woodlands from what I hear, doesn't get as cold as other northern states as it's on the pacific coast, has unique flora and fauna, and has more bigfoot sightings than anywhere else in america. Also I hear it's very liberal and non-religious there. The downsides are that it rains constantly there, does'nt experience much seasonal variety, and is VERY far away from my family in florida (though another reason I want to move out of state is to go somewhere far away to start my life over). With pennsylvania the upsides are that there are very lush woodlands, much seasonal variety, and it's still on the east coast so it is closer to florida then washington and also closer to the small amount of family I have in new jersey. The Downsides are that since it has seasonal variety it gets VERY cold in the winter, and I hear there are many religious people there which is one reason why I'm trying to leave the bible belt of florida. No offense religious people but I'm pantheist and very strongly against religion. If anyone here is from either state please let me know your opinion as to which is better. Also, I may not have considered another state. Please suggest.

Have you considered Hawaii?

I wouldn't recommend Texas. Austin, Houston, and the Rio Grande Valley tend to be on the liberal side, but the rest of the state is mostly conservative. Vegetation is pretty much confined to the eastern part of the state, but the economy in that part of the state sucks. Seasons vary by area. Houston is warm and humid most of the year, and they get occasional hurricanes. The San Antonio-Austin area is drier than Houston, but also a bit hotter. The coldest part of Texas is in the Panhandle, which is comparable to Minnesota, the Dakotas, etc. in the winter. The hottest part is north Texas, around Wichita Falls, where 110-degree days are common in the summer.

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17 Dec 2009, 10:44 pm

wigglyspider wrote:
Come on up to Washington! I promise it doesn't rain constantly. XD; Especially in Summer, it goes weeks without raining, and winter was being pretty dry too until about last week...
It rains a lot more in Alaska, which makes everything grow really green and really huge, but it still doesn't rain every day.
Anyway, back to Washington.. if you want a lot of nice forest, you should move somewhere near Mount Rainier national park. It's got the nice green western forests on one side, and if you drive to the eastern side, it's got the drier wilderness with the big anthills and the rattlesnakes. XD And up on the mountain, really nice alpine meadows with goats and marmots and stuff all over. You can spend a day up there and come back down without even having to camp overnight.

But I've actually been thinking of moving to Colorado. The scenery seems more impressive overall. In WA, unless you go up in the mountains or to a big park, what you've got is mostly.. well: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1207/953 ... f27054.jpg Damn salmonberries. XD;;; And other prickly things.
Also, the population is less dense in Colorado, and it snows more there and probably has more days of swimming-weather in Summer. (we only get a week or two of really hot weather in WA.)
According to Wikipedia, Colorado has the same percentage of secular residents as Washington.. %25.

South Dakota also seems like a really beautiful place. I don't know much else about it though.

Pennsylvania is a place I know nothing about, sorry. XD;

Thanks man. Washington state is seeming better and better as is colorado.



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17 Dec 2009, 10:46 pm

Stinkypuppy wrote:
If you're into mountains and the majestic outdoors, it's pretty hard to beat the Western US. The Northeast has some decent nature stuff (especially VT), but the sheer scale of it just can't compare. However if you really don't like religion, WY is probably too conservative for your tastes, and UT is absolutely out of the question. NM is fairly liberal, and warmer than CO, but doesn't have as much vegetation.

There are a lot more evergreens in WA (the Evergreen State) than in PA, so the specific type of vegetation is different. Not sure what kind of lush vegetation you were looking for.

My experience with PA is mostly limited to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, but if you stick to PA cities I don't think you'd have too much problem with religious people. Sure, in between those two cities is Amish country, but they pretty much keep to themselves anyway. :P

Coniferous or deciduous makes no difference to me. "Lush woodland" just means forested area. New England sounds very good indeed.



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17 Dec 2009, 10:47 pm

Henriksson wrote:
You want to move somewhere with lush woodlands, and a low degree of religiosity? I'm thinking Sweden. :cool:

Europe is very tempting but it's just a little too far away for me.



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18 Dec 2009, 2:18 am

I heard that Vermont and New Hampshire are some of the "better" places to live in the United States.


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18 Dec 2009, 11:29 am

history_of_psychiatry wrote:
I'm trying to leave the bible belt of florida.

I have nothing but sympathy for you :)
I hope you find your way out to somewhere better.
I wish I could :roll:

Check out Asheville, North Carolina. It seems like your kind of town.




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18 Dec 2009, 2:15 pm

Acacia wrote:
history_of_psychiatry wrote:
I'm trying to leave the bible belt of florida.

I have nothing but sympathy for you :)
I hope you find your way out to somewhere better.
I wish I could :roll:

Check out Asheville, North Carolina. It seems like your kind of town.


I've heard many good things about NC but isn't it kinda "hicky" too??
