While either you have it or you don't, AS being a part of a whole spectrum of Autistic Behavioral Traits, incorporates a broad range of effects, along with a broad range of dealing with those effects. I am of the opinion that the realm of differences in human thought are disbursed across a much more widely scattered field than what the field of psychology has been able to bring in to focus.
That being said, the "Autistic Spectrum" is a big tent with plenty of room for a variety of folks. Sure there's plenty of conjecture about non-confirmed Aspergian-like people (I think Jimi Hendrix had more traits than some people on the Wiki list), but the AS label only comes from the relatively young and not-so-exact science of psychology. Who's to say if such diagnostic pigeon holes are too large or too small when only traces and traits make up the criteria for diagnosis and not a concrete physical manifestation--short of brain scans which only illustrate similarities among groups.
Onward Through The Fog!
Sacred Cows make the tastiest hambuger.
visualize whirled peas