ruveyn wrote:
caramateo wrote:
Aroyal caribbean cruise ship arrived on a Haiti's beach on Friday upsetting passengers aborard who refused to step foot on the island in protest. They couldn't eat & drink knowing that people were starving and dying a few miles from the vacation spot. ... aed_1.htmlInstead of getting upset, they could organize a food delivery to the folks on the island. I am sure the ship is very well stocked with food, some of it non-perishable.ruveyn
La compagnia si e' comunque impegnata a donare tutti i proventi della visita alle vittime del terremoto, e a far arrivare alle popolazioni colpite alcuni aiuti alimentari presenti sulle navi.
I think that's "the company are donating their profits from the trip and some food from the ship to the victims of the earthquake."
No one has gone missing or died.
The year is still young.