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18 Jan 2010, 4:55 pm

I watched an episode of this show at work last night. It was pretty appalling. Would you go on a show where you were trapped with people from high school, even if it was in Hawaii in a really nice house? I don't think I would. High school is neutral for me...I was super religious and tried to be nice to everyone so I didn't have any real enemies...mostly I was just quiet. But the way these people acted, I related most with the girl who no one even remembered. What freaked me out was the girl who was talking about the nerdy girl no one remembered and she actually said "if you weren't cool then, you aren't cool now." It was almost painful trying to bend my mind into a position to be able to imagine being a person who thinks that way. At 37. It freaked me out to think some people haven't matured intellectually one bit since high school. Ick.


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18 Jan 2010, 5:52 pm

I would never go in such a show. I don't want to be in Hawaii with my ex-bullies, thank you very much.

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18 Jan 2010, 7:46 pm

I moved 1500 miles away from the people I went to high school with, because I want there to be no chance that I will ever see any of them again. I don't even have a Facebook account because I don't want any of them to be able to find me. There is no kind of way I'd go on a TV show with them!


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18 Jan 2010, 9:44 pm

I have had contact with very few people I knew in High School, and I could never possibly go to a reunion. I have tried to do that twice, but someone else stopped me the first time and I could not make myself follow through the other time I tried.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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19 Jan 2010, 4:20 am

If there was ever a school reunion of my high school grade, I think they'd make a point of not even contacting me let alone asking me to come (they'd remember me but they wouldn't want me there). I'm safe from the horrors of school reunions in other words :)


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19 Jan 2010, 11:49 am

RhettOracle wrote:
I moved 1500 miles away from the people I went to high school with, because I want there to be no chance that I will ever see any of them again. I don't even have a Facebook account because I don't want any of them to be able to find me. There is no kind of way I'd go on a TV show with them!

SAAAAME!! !! I even went that far that I applied to the councils highest people last year to get my former name blocked from even get contacted about any reunion show coming up and this forever and permanent!! ! I got it approved :D

And Im on facebook as very limited - and with a fake name...



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19 Jan 2010, 1:27 pm

I don't know if I'd go to my high school reunion.


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19 Jan 2010, 4:11 pm

my facebook isn't in my name either... and it's deactivated now. I am so apathetic about high struck me as so strange that those people were still invested in their roles they had back then, I think high school graduation should be at 16 instead of 18, it is younger in some countries. The ONLY thing that really matters to your life in high school is academic performance...extracurricular activities are good to have for college entrance but they don't matter after that. And the 'summer girls' that were parading around...I was genuninely embarassed for them, what are they going to base their identity on in 20 years?


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20 Jan 2010, 1:28 pm

I remember my high school did a 30-year and a 35-year reunion.

My sister is due for an invitation to her HS reunion
in 2014, me in 2018. We are both praying we
don't get invited. Most people, from my tenure
in HS, thought of me as "The Creepy Guy Who Doesn't Talk."

This is what I would send...

"I send my regrets. Rumors of my whereabouts
after graduation are, and were, exaggerated or falsified as
a continuation of me being bullied and my supposed legend."

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Jan 2010, 1:32 pm

A recent episode of The Mentalist
had a high school reunion as a backdrop.

Rigsby, the nerdy jock/jocky nerd,
had to pretend to be a bullied student
who committed suicide at 27.

All happened to find someone
who bullied said student
into taking a nude photograph.

Said student was naked and
has his underwear on his head.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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20 Jan 2010, 3:58 pm

I have skipped my reunions for one reason: hugs. My mother, who worked at my school, had to attend all the reunions and remarked on my best friend (a year ahead of me) getting hugged by a girl who was nothing but horrible to her. I keep in touch with a few people via e-mail and FaceBook, but there are simply people I do not care about enough to bother...and they are certainly not my friends. I don't like being touched in general, much less by people I dislike or have not seen since I was 17.

My situation is different from most, though...I attended an indepedent Pre-K through 12 all-girls' school. There were 24 people in my graduating class. I don't feel any need to play nice with the girls who bullied me, and there would be no way to avoid contact with them in such a small group.


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20 Jan 2010, 4:42 pm

I went to a reunion the year after I'd left school, and the reason I had kept in contact with only a few people from school was clear: most if not all of the people at the reunion were exactly the same unpleasant, spiteful excuses for humanity that they'd been when I left school, only with a few more miles on the clock. At least the people I'd kept in contact with were people I actually liked...

Why so serious?


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29 Jan 2010, 6:55 am

Since I left High School, 24 years ago, I've never came face to face with any of my ex-classmates. Would rather eat broken glass and drink vinegar than do so. But, it would be interesting to find out how some of them turned out..


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29 Jan 2010, 12:31 pm

There's only 2 reasons to go to a high school reunion...

1) to brag about what a big success you are, and put down people who didn't do as well

2) to hook up with that hot girl (or guy, depending...;) that you missed out on back then.

Once was enough...;)

anahl nathrak, uth vas bethude, doth yel dyenvey...


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29 Jan 2010, 4:21 pm

Question to next people:

Would you go to a reunion
of classmates from elementary/grade school?

I most certainly would not.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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29 Jan 2010, 5:44 pm

pakled wrote:
There's only 2 reasons to go to a high school reunion...

1) to brag about what a big success you are, and put down people who didn't do as well

2) to hook up with that hot girl (or guy, depending...;) that you missed out on back then.

Once was enough...;)

1.) I have no doubt that people do that, but I have so much trouble fathoming that line of reasoning. Who cares? I'd like to think that people just go to see people, but I'm sure that's not the case.

2.) If I go to my 10 year, that is ultimately exactly what the goal will be.

I guess I need to start really thinking about this. I always told myself I'd never go, because even my peripheral friends I saw at least intermittently when I lived in town, but now that I live 2000 miles away it's appearing more and more attractive an option. I don't know if the reunion is 10 years removed from graduation or 10 years from the start of senior year, but mine is coming either this year or next year (I graduated in 01) and that's a really f**ked up thing to think about.

When I was in high school I was a run-of-the-mill average varsity athlete, perpetually stoned, honor roll every term but never focused or engaged, friendly with almost everybody but truly "known" by only enough people to count on one hand--I was misunderstood across the board and mostly considered a brilliant waste of potential. I bet anyone from HS who picked my brain now would undoubtedly come to the same conclusion. I've determined that it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate, and certainly wouldn't bother me.

I think I could get drunk and subesquently have fun at a reunion. I'd have no real reason for going, but also no real reason not to...

I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.