pakled wrote:
There's only 2 reasons to go to a high school reunion...
1) to brag about what a big success you are, and put down people who didn't do as well
2) to hook up with that hot girl (or guy, depending...

that you missed out on back then.
Once was enough...

1.) I have no doubt that people do that, but I have so much trouble fathoming that line of reasoning. Who cares? I'd like to think that people just go to see people, but I'm sure that's not the case.
2.) If I go to my 10 year, that is ultimately exactly what the goal will be.
I guess I need to start really thinking about this. I always told myself I'd never go, because even my peripheral friends I saw at least intermittently when I lived in town, but now that I live 2000 miles away it's appearing more and more attractive an option. I don't know if the reunion is 10 years removed from graduation or 10 years from the start of senior year, but mine is coming either this year or next year (I graduated in 01) and that's a really f**ked up thing to think about.
When I was in high school I was a run-of-the-mill average varsity athlete, perpetually stoned, honor roll every term but never focused or engaged, friendly with almost everybody but truly "known" by only enough people to count on one hand--I was misunderstood across the board and mostly considered a brilliant waste of potential. I bet anyone from HS who picked my brain now would undoubtedly come to the same conclusion. I've determined that it wouldn't be entirely inaccurate, and certainly wouldn't bother me.
I think I could get drunk and subesquently have fun at a reunion. I'd have no real reason for going, but also no real reason not to...
I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.