zeldapsychology wrote:
roadracer wrote:
Do you cough like crazy when it happens? Do you also have acid reflux or get heartburn regularly?
Yes I cough for a little while trying to catch my breath and I have acid reflux at night but that's depending on what I eat. and I've gotten "shocks" in my chest before but oddly the doctor says that's nothing.
I would get the checked out by a specialist!! ! The coughing and choking feeling most likely means that the saliva is getting into your windpipe, and that CAN be very serious problem (can lead to pnumonia). This is most likely caused by the acid reflux, stomach acid coming up and damaging your esophagus and epiglottis (the flap that prevents food/liquid from entering your windpipe).
This might seem like a minor problem now, but it is a warning sign of some posible major problems to come if you dont take care of it now. If saliva is entering your windpipe, that means that anything else that you eat or drink could very easy enter it also. With time the cough reflex will lessen, and more of food/drink will end up making it towards your lungs, leading to the posibility of getting aspiration pneumonia. That is the worst type of pneumonia to get, and the hardest to treat, and it is even worse if you asperate stomach acid.
So, although this all might seem minor now, dont let it go and see your doctor and a specialist about it, tell them about the acid reflux, and that you keep choking on your saliva, and that it causes you to caugh, it is important that you give all the details.