Mahem on Mobius (An RRG RPG)
Tufted Titmouse
Joined: 4 Mar 2006
Gender: Male
Posts: 42
Location: Constantly traveling Between Mobius , Hyrule and the Mushroom Kingdom
This is a Sonic RPG based slightly on the Sonic universe. I am playing as Team chaotix (and Some evil people, i won't give them away now, exept for Robotnik\Eggman), You can Either play as a group of two or three, or play solo, I don't care. oh, yeah, It's more of a comedy than an Adventure so...yeah.
Now we start.
Vector, the crocodile, sighed as he lay back in his chair. His eyes scanned the room, stopping momentarialy on the curios and souvenirs of past cases.
Work was slow latley, Team Chaotix, as the three man agency was called, had no calls.
...."Hey Espio, found anything interesting" Vector called accross the room...
Espio the chameleon was a ninja who also had comparitively good hacking skills. He was currently using his time looking for mentions of Team Chaotix on the Internet.
..."I have found nothing you have not already seen" replied Espio "hey, where has that bothersome Charmy got to anyway?" he queried as if the absence of his team-mate had just occured to him...
..."i sent him out to pay da rent, dis place ain't cheep ya know?" Vector replied as he started cleaning the bronze desk-plaque with his name on it. "Why? Ya think he's not responsible enough?"...
..."No, I have every confidence in him, but don't you think that it's terribley unjust to exccessivly use the trust-fund his family left him, just to pay our rent?" Espio asked Vector as he logged off the computer...
..."Hey, I told 'im da same thing I'm tellin' younow, Espio, when we get work, I'll put da capital back in da account, but I can't pay what I don't got, so get off my back will ya?" Vector was getting agitated; he hated talking about finance with Espio...
Vector stood up and walked over the the coffe jug. As he started to pour the disgusting brown glop into the *Worlds greatest Boss* mug he had recived from Charmy last Christmass, the door burst open.
..."Hey espio, ya lazy bum, we finaly got ourselves a customer" Vector called as his gaze fell upon the figure standing at the door...
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