arielhawksquill wrote:
You could try saying out loud after you do it, "OK I locked it" or just "Locked!" It uses a different part of your brain to generate verbal speech than just doing/thinking something, and enters it into your short term memory better.
Yes...indeed I'm a multiple checker...and it
does seem to help when I say it...and if I can't because there are strangers about...then making a conscious note of the action, as others have advised, certainly helps as well.
My concern with compulsive "making sure" is some of the things I'm compelled to check. As well as the significant, safety issues like the iron, the gas, the locks etc...I need to check things such as: That I've read all the information on a memo, that I really am going to the correct class (my time-table) at work, that my lunch is really in my work bag, that all my passengers are really in the car, that my head lights are really on when driving at night...the list is endless. I think I can live with it though...but I wonder what it would be like to be quite the opposite? Carefree? or Complacent?
I don't share the latter compulsions with anyone...for some strange reason...Can you relate to any of this Followthereaper90?
Nothing much shocks please stop trying...yawn...