sigholdaccountlost wrote:
Ok, I saw on another the thread that another Wrongplaneteer (member of WP) whose name I have forgotten suggested that based on the current ratios of male to female diagnosed aspies, we allow the females to have 3-4 husbands. ((Whichever the current diagnostic estimate figure is.))
Any reasons or comments? Be sure to vote on the poll and leave a comment, okay?
This is an unqualified recipie for disaster. Even though we're talking about aspie males, we have enough testosterone to fight over mating rights with the other "husbands".
This would lead to nothing but bitter fighting.
BTW, Polygamy (The kind Mormons practice) is downright evil. As has been previously posted, a few (read: manipulative, overbearing, bullying a$$holes) end up dominating the community while those who fail to get a wife are kicked out of town. This starts a process of breeding ever-increasing agressive males. Don't we have enough of those already??
All hail Comrade Napoleon!! !