Changing jobs
I work part time for a deli in a grocery store and I'm thinking of leaving for another job. Things have been falling apart. Coworkers have turned nasty towards each other, I just don't feel safe anymore. Some of them have already quit because of the increasing lack of respect, and I'm left to fill in for more days and hours (10 hours a day) that it's taken over my personal life, separating me from everyone else and of course my application for next semester.
And I'm not immune to the disrespect even if I'm filling in. I walk in this afternoon getting yelled at by a boss because I'm 2 minutes late; she changed priorities on my tasks constantly and blamed me for it. This is the same boss who got in a fight with another coworker over a supposed insult exchange, and I was their only witness. Instead of both being fired, only one stayed.
Tonight's stressful closing job left me to act upon leaving the department. No matter how many times disrespect and misconduct is reported nothing gets done about it. What should I do? Should I move on to work for someone else?
Sounds like the owner/store or district manager is intentionally letting a little centrifuge happen to let go of some burdens in costs. Not a smart thing to do, but it's his call. If this is what seems to be happening, I would seek another option ASAP.
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