ColdBlooded wrote:
Chihuahuas are strange little dogs in general. Our chihuahua, Taco, can be funny. He likes to sun himself in the spots where light comes through the windows. He sometimes makes little high-pitched yelps out of the blue for no reason. Sometimes he will take a kibble or treat and put it in a corner somewhere, then pretend to bury it with imaginary dirt. When he wants to go out, he tries to dig into the door. He likes to dig under pillows and sleep. He has a favorite spot under mom's pillow on the couch. When he sits with me, he usually wedges himself between me and the side of my chair(he likes being squished).
"Taco" - how cute! Tater does the same thing with the kibbles. Weird, isn't that? He also hates stuff left laying on the floor. If I just drop my shoes any old place, he'll pick them up (one at a time) and either shove them under the couch or put them in his dog cage, out of sight.
My reptilian pets are all pretty strange-acting, but that's because they're reptiles. My tegu tries to dig into the carpet under doors(but he's much to big to fit under any door), and into corners of the room. He also knows what his food bowl is and where i always put it when i let him out. I wish he would stop pooping in his water.
I love reptiles - I used to own several snakes but had to sell them because I was moving back across country. Interesting that your tegu knows where to find his food bowl. Don't know about the poop in the water, though. My snakes did that, too. Whole huge aquarium to roam around in & they go in their water bowl. (Of course, they liked just to lay in it, too).