I understand that tactile sensitivity may be an issue for aspies. At first I thought I had escaped this one, but then I remembered about spa's *shudder*
Most people seem to love spa's and they are seen as a luxury. As you know, they position themselves so that the jets of water hit their body, allegedly giving them a massage. However if I do that, it creates a horrible itchy sensation for me where the jet hits me. The effects starts mild and becomes progressively worse with time to the point of being unbearable.
So any time I am obliged to enter a spa, I feel like I am the assistant in a magicians show, you know the trick where the assistant goes in the box and the magician puts swords into the box at all different angles. And then I have to contort my body to avoid being struck by the swords (jets of water).
If I ever want to change my occupation to catburglar, then I suppose all this spa practise will allow me to get through the field of criss-crossed laser beams without touching any of the lasers and setting the alarm off. On second thought, those are only fictional security systems depicted in movies, so the only bloody use for spa's in my opinion is if I want to become an actor in some cheesy hollywood movie about a suave catburglar.
So who is with me on this one? Spa = Torture Tub, yea or nay?