On-line scrabble...love it! Go to lexulous.com on Google search and register. You can play with people from all over the world!
Wrong Planet...can't wait to get in every day!
I wash clothes for all my family, six people, it's my job...love it! I do it like no one else...all other house work? Well there are five other people to take care of that...
Do you have a favourite chore?
I don't like cooking especially baking. However, I'm the mum around here, I must cook sometimes:tongue: . You're right zen_mistress, when I decide to cook, about twice a week, it keeps me busy. I'm meticulously clean in the kitchen and I don't want any kitchen hands. I need to be alone when I'm cooking.
If you have children, "hanging with the kids" is always heaps of fun. We either play Yahtzee or just lounge around telling jokes, stories or watching our favourite shows & movies. We never go to the cinema so we get to watch all movies on DVD in the comfort of our home.
Also, if you have close friends, invite them over for drinks, tea, coffee & conversation. I do this regularly with my three best mates and we take turns to host. However, sometimes another person will be invited to join, by one of my mates, and this can get uncomfortable for me. You might feel the same.
I hope I've been able to give you some helpful tips. 
Nothing much shocks me...so please stop trying...yawn...