When somebody's posted, their post has a little button saying "Quote" in the top right-hand corner. Click it and a reply box will load with the quote already there.
Alternatly, you can copy what they've written, and then add a post as usual, but paste in the text, highlight it all and click on the button in the reply box, next to "B I U" and all the other little buttons at the top. It's the one on the far left with " " and lots of lines inbetween
This will automatically put the right coding on either side. You have to make sure you highlight it though!
<b>"If something was going to happen, let it happen."</b> - Murakami, <i>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</i> pg 66.
Last edited by Leiservampir on 09 Jul 2010, 2:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.