Strange antagonism between my computer and my microwave oven

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10 Jul 2010, 3:23 am

I've noticed that whenever I put a cup of water in the microwave to make tea, my wireless internet connection stalls. The little bubble in front of the two computer screen icons doesn't go away, and it still says "connected: local and interent" but no pages load. And as soon as the microwave dings, it all goes back to normal.

It's kinda freaky.
Does this happen to anyone else?


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10 Jul 2010, 3:55 am


<b>"If something was going to happen, let it happen."</b> - Murakami, <i>The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle</i> pg 66.


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10 Jul 2010, 3:59 am

That is definitely creepy the icon bit. :lol:

But the wireless connection part is a common problem, the only solution is to change the routers channel.

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10 Jul 2010, 4:53 am

Yup, same problem. Microwaves and WiFi operate in the same frequency range ~2.4GHz. And microwave ovens deal with 100's of watts of power, whereas WiFi is (I think) milliwatts. I haven't had luck changing channels on my setup; I think my microwave puts out a ton of interference in a band bigger than the router channel range. :x